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قديم 26-07-03, 07:16 am   رقم المشاركة : 1
عضو ذهبي

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : شقرديه غير متواجد حالياً
تعليم البنين - المرحلة الثانوية - الثالث الثانوي - اللغة الانجليزية - الفصل

الوحده الثانية

[l]......الثاني - Unit2:Universities in Saudi Arabia - lesson1

New Words
Favourite = Prefered (adj) مفضل
Keep on = Continue (v) يستمر
Keen on = Intrested in (v) ب متهم
About to = Soon (n) على وشك
Grades = Marks (n) درجات
Consider = Think about (v) يعكر
Classmates = Colleagues (n) زملاء
Perhaps = May be ربما
Close = Near (adj) قريب
Closely = Nearly (v) بقرب
Establish = Found (v) يؤسس
Campus = The land which a college is located (n) مقر
Pharmacology = The study of drugs and medicines (n) صيدلة
Pharmacy = A shop for selling drugs (n) صيدلية
Pharmacist = The person who sells and prepars drugs (n) صيدلي
Economics = The study of money (n) إقتصاد
Humanities = The study of language and literature (n) دراسة اللغةوالأدب
Energy Science = Power Science (n) علم الطاقة
Veterinary Science = The study of animals medicine (n) دراسة علم البيطرة


قديم 26-07-03, 07:20 am   رقم المشاركة : 2
عضو ذهبي

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : شقرديه غير متواجد حالياً


General Questions :
1. Which University is the oldest and the biggest in Saudi Arabia?
It is KSU

2. Which University is the newest?
It is KKU

3. Which University has the most students in Saudi Arabia?
It is KSA

4. Where can you study medicine in saudi Arabia?
In KSU, KAAU, KKU and King Faisal University

5. Where KKU is Located?
It is located in Abha with a branch in Jizan.

6. What does KSU teach?
It teaches Agriculuture, Education, Pharmacology and Medicine

7. Which University is the leading center for the study of energy science in the middle East?

Choose a,b, c or d
1. KFUPM, is
i. One of the Universities in Riyadh
ii. One of the Hospitals in the Kingdom.
iii. A Leading Center for the study of energy.

2. When Moustafa leaves university, he want to make his __________ in engineering.
a. War b. Script c. Career d. Merchand

3. You can study Medicine in __________
a. King Faisal University b. Islamic University c. Imam Mohammed Bin Saud Islamic University d. King FUPM

4. ________ University includes a large number of students from all over the world.
a. King Saud University b. Umm al-qura c. Islamic d. King Faisal

5. In the Universities below, __________ is considered to be special because it doesn't teach female students
a. KFUPM b. KSU c. K.A.A. d. KFU

6. KSU, Accepts _______
a. Famale students b. Male students c. Both d. Doctors

7. King Khaled is located in _______
a. Riyadh b. Jeddah c. Dammam d. In abha

8. You can study medicine in _______
i. Imam Mohammed University ii. Islamic University
iii. Umm Al-Qura University iv. In KSU, KFU and KKU.

9. King saud university accepts _______
a. Male students b. Female students c. Male and Female students


قديم 26-07-03, 07:22 am   رقم المشاركة : 3
عضو ذهبي

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : شقرديه غير متواجد حالياً
Saudi Arabia - lesson3

Replace and word
1. He thought about the problem very carefully but he couldnot solve it.(Consider)
2. Faisal is going to study money at University.(Economics)
3. Name one Saudi University where can you study language and literature. (Humanities)
4. Mohamad Mausour was quick to understand that we could solve any riddles in seconds. (Intelligent)
5. They continued driving until they reached a filling station (Keep on)
6. He is studying drugs and medicines in the university.(Pharmacology)
7. We felt a lot of sorry for him. (Pity)
8. He is making a research about the whole socity in Saudi Arabia.(Social Sciences)
9. He felt a pain and went to the doctor immediately.(Straight away)
10. You must study how to treat sick animal to keep them fit.
11. At which Saudi University can you study to became a doctor for animals.(Veterinary Surgeon)
12. He got a good mark in the school. Leaving exam so he is going to university (grade).

Write the Correct form :
1. He is_________ to be a very good woker. (Consider)
2. He is studying the ________ of oxford University(Humanity)
3. She __________ driving until they reached a filling station.(Keep on)
4. When he leaves university, he want to work in_________ building roads and bridges. (Engineer)
5. At KFUPM, business studies are called industrial_________ (Manage)
6. KSU was in __________1957 and is the __________ university in Saudi Arabia.(Establish -Old)
7. King Abudil Aziz University was founded __________ in 1967 (Private)
8. King Khaled University is _________in Abha with a branch in Jazan.(Locate)
9. The teacher Kept on_______although he was ill (talk)


قديم 26-07-03, 07:26 am   رقم المشاركة : 4
عضو ذهبي

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : شقرديه غير متواجد حالياً
Saudi Arabia - lesson4

* Verbs :-
What is a verb? It is the word which decribe an aciton, feeling or state.
- Verb can be devided into three main types.

Using Commas with who, which and that.
- Mr. Al-Mansour who cames from Egypt is an English teacher. Here in this sentence if we take out the clause who comes from Egypt and the sentence still has a complete meaning. Here we can add commas before who and before is
في هذه الجملة إذا حذفنا جملة الو صل التي بها who ولا يز ال معنى الجملة مفهو م فنضع فاصلة قبل who وفاصلة في نهاية جملة الو صل قبل is

- Mr. Al-Mansour, who comes form Egypt, is an English teacher. Ex. A pupil who is in his last year at school is discussing his career with his father.
A Pupil, who is in his last year at school, is discussing his carcer with his father.

2-I'll tell you about the universities which you can go to
Here if we take out the clause which you can go to, the sentence does not have a complete meaning. So, we can't add commas here. We rewrite the sentence again.
إذا حذفنا جملة الو صل من الجملة السابقة which you can go معنى الجملة غير مفهوم ونقص بعد الحذف لزلك لا نضع مع هذه الجملة فو اصل بل تكتب كما هي

Taken out
Rewrite with no clause

(Who, which, that) Followed by (am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had) + v3
We take out who, which, that, verb to be and verb to have.
Ex. : KFUPM, which was founded in 1963 - is one the smallest universities. (shorten)
- KFUPM, founded in 1963, is one the smallest universities.
Ex. : They Quantity of mail that is handles by the postal service has increased.
- The quantity of mail handled by the postal service has increased.
(Verb + ing)
These verbs are followed by verb + ing
1-am, is - are - was - were + keen on + verb + ing
Ex. : She is keen on (play - playing - played) game (Choose)

2- Consider
Considered + verb + ing
Ex. : She considered (go - going - gone) to England. (Choose)

2- Keep on
Kept on + verb + ing
Keeping on
Ex. : Noura kept on (watch - watching - watched) T.V. (Choose)

3- Think about
Thought about + verb + ing
Thinking about

4- for + verb + ing
Ex. : we dig wells for (obtain - obtaining - obtains) water.
Ex. : He thinks about (have - had - having) a party (choose)


قديم 26-07-03, 07:28 am   رقم المشاركة : 5
عضو ذهبي

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : شقرديه غير متواجد حالياً
Saudi Arabia - lesson5

A - Write out True or False :
1. KSU accepts male and females students, ( )
2. KAAU and King Faisal University both teach medicine. ( )
3. KFUPM has around 4,000 female students. ( )
4. Imam Muhammad Islamic University has branches abroad. ( )
5. Umm Al-Qura University is one of the oldest universities in K.S.A. ( )
6. You can study to become a teacher at four universities in K.S.A. ( )
7. You can study business at KKU ( )

B-Change into passive :
1. A camel ate the grass
2. They grow dates in Madinah.
3. They brought up their children abroad.
4. They saw the sun rising on the horizon.
5. The constructed a bridge over the river.

C - Choose the right words :
1. She considered (to buy-bought-buying) a new dress.
2. They are keen on (studying-to study - study) English.
3. Faisal is about to (driving - drive - drove) to work.
4. The pilot is thinking about (try - to try - trying) to land.

D- Use Commas if possible :
1. Mr. Ali who comes from Egypt is an English teacher.
2. KFUPM which was founded in 1963 is one of the smallest universities.
3. Pupils who come to the class late are not allowed in the class.
4. he car which stopped is ours.

E - Shorten these sentences :
1. KFUPM, which was founded in 1963, is one of the smallest universities.
2. KSU, which was established in 1957, has over 32,000 students.
3. The islamic University, which is located Madinah, has nearly 5,500 students.
4. KSU's new campus, which was opened in 1984, is very beautiful.

F - Fill in the spaces with the words in the list :
Management - veterinary - grade - degree - engineering
1. He got a good_______in the school leaving so he is going to university.
2. When he leaves university, he wants to work in ________ building roads and bridges.
3. At KFUPM, business studies are called_________
4. At KFUPM, business studies are called industrial________
5. She got a bachelor of arts________from KAAU to be a teacher.

G - Give the opposities :
Intelligent - bachelor - founded - leading - management - branch - campus.
H - Write out the right words :-
Branch - pity - Humanities - economics - campus
1. When we saw the children without any food, we felt a lot of________ for them.
2. Their school___________covers several square hectares.
3. I did not have time to go to the main office. So, I went to my local_________
4. The _______ include the study of literature and history.
5. Part of the study of management is the study of_________

I - Give the meaning of these words :
Career___________ to tell the true__________
About to__________ Keep on__________
Keen on__________ grades__________
Consider__________ Bachelor__________
Founded__________ leading__________
Management______ branch__________

K- Do as inquired between brackets :
1-we dig wells for (obtain) water.(correct)
2-The boys who made the noise stopped now.(Punctuate this sentence)
3-The university, which was opened in Riyadh, had many pupils.(Re-write the sentence taking out : which)
4-Shakespeare wrote many palys.(Change into passive)
5-Why don't you think about ______ a party.(Choose)
a-have b-has c-having d-had
6-The car that he bought was very expensive. (Punctuate this sentence)
7-KSU accepted male and female students.(Change into passive)
8-After the accident, I kept on (drive) cars.(correct)
9-The boy, who is playing football, is my friend.(Re-write the sentence taking out : who)
10-The grass was _______ by the camel.a-eat b-ate c-eaten d-eating
11-Mr. Al-Nasser who comes from Egypt is an English teacher.(Punctuate this sentence)
12-The police sent him to prison.(Change into passive)

L - Put under the column that matches the underlined verb :


قديم 26-07-03, 07:29 am   رقم المشاركة : 6
عضو ذهبي

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : شقرديه غير متواجد حالياً

مجموعة الدروس من مدارس العناية

من موقع الجزيرة


قديم 28-07-03, 08:59 pm   رقم المشاركة : 7
مشــرف ســابق
الصورة الرمزية 3bdullah

معلومات إضافية
  النقاط : 10
  المستوى :
  الحالة : 3bdullah غير متواجد حالياً


This is cool too ..

thanks sho sho ..



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