بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
hello every one actully it,s great surprise to me when i saw the amazing result,s ...........from you guys
any way my brothers the rocket ,3Abdullah ,gim bas gim and ahmed abdullh outstanding score also alkomando got excellent score ...
I would like to thank you all guys and it,s important to mintioned something essential here....
that there is alot of similarity when you try to answer suؤh a test specially when it,s advanced multiple choices...
the idea depends on how to get the closest answer...what i mean here ... may we find a suitable answer to our questions but if look at to it carefully you might find another answer more suitable....
The answers for these questions as follows:
Thank you AL-Asilah for this useful quiz.
Here are the answers:
1- D: hair
2- A: beard
3- A: wearing
4- B: holding
5- C. office
6- B: on job.....here the confusion but if you put it together with the complete sentence you will notice the difference........due to this kind of conversation quiz...you just connect it with no.5 as a type of speech........
7- C: Good evening
8- C: No,thank you.
9- C: doesn't like
10- A: Does he get up
11- C: He is learning
12- C: quicker than
13- B: cannot
14: B: Roberts always catches
15- A: He goes there by train.
16- A: Did he watch .
17- D: could not
18- C: a lot of money
19- C: not to go away
finally hope you enjoyed
next time i,ll try to focus on the biginers and take care......
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة